Sharon Hollman
Tongue-tie Northwest Ltd

I registered as a midwife in 2008 and found what I believed to be my niche when I commenced in post as a community midwife in 2010, where I was able to learn more and further develop skills in supporting families with infant feeding.
In 2015 my youngest son was born, my third difficult breastfeeding journey with tongue-tie diagnosed and divided at 3 weeks of age. I decided at this point that I would specialise in lactation consultancy and tongue tie division.
Prior to launching Tongue-Tie Northwest I worked in an NHS specialist infant feeding post whilst doing the Breastfeeding London Lactation Consultant Course, which gave me invaluable knowledge and experience of working with families with complex feeding difficulties and gave me the ability to underpin my practice with evidence based theory. I completed the Advanced Skills in the Management of Ankyloglossia (Tongue Tie Division) course at the University of Wolverhampton and consolidated my skills in a busy NHS clinic.
Laura Evans (the other half of Tongue-Tie Northwest) and I have become firm friends as well as business partners.
Tongue-Tie Northwest was born of the realisation that we have the same vision for the provision of appropriate and timely infant feeding support in private practice and both value the importance of aftercare.
We are able to offer appointments both in a clinic setting or in your home (dependant on location) and although we prefer to see you face to face we are happy to arrange telephone or virtual consultations, where appropriate, to suit your needs.
We have an excellent network of professionals to whom we can refer for services complimentary to ours such as cranial osteopathy as we share premises with the Vitality Chiropractic clinic.